My blog is a compilation of my thoughts, sometimes happy, sometimes sad and sometimes very morose. I suffer from Chronic Recurrent Depression and Alcoholism. Sometimes my thoughts will head in very dark directions. I'm not a writer so sometimes the things are all in a jumble, depending on how I'm feeling at the time I'm writing. Accept me as I am. . . We live, as we dream...alone
Friday, February 24, 2012
I feel so much anger & hatred right now. So many things going on and being pulled in so many directions .. I have to stay but I don't want to!!!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Bullying ~ borrowed with permission by
A Word On Bullying
You'd probably imagine we have a lot to say about bullying, but today we have relatively little to say...blame emotional exhaustion from writing the last post we did.
We were victims of bullying for years; we had food thrown at us on the school bus, we were pants-ed walking down the aisles of the bus, people used to make fun of our ill fitting clothes openly in school because our garage sale pants were always too short, being tall and poor was a curse. They used to call us Titanka, ask us where the flood was, shove us, trip us, taunt us and make us hate ourselves more than we already hated ourselves just from dealing with our every day home life.
Only once we fought back. On the school bus home a boy who used to say the most horrible things to us and make us cry was taunting us from the seat in front of us, and we finally had enough of it from him, so with burning anger, as he turned to face the front of the bus, we took our trapper keeper and pile of school books, and cracked him over the head with the stack. He hardly ever made fun of us again, but he was only one of many, over many years. Other than being physically different and poor, we've never understood why we were a target of bullying, we were quiet, kept to ourselves and had few friends.
You'd think trying to stop bullying in school would be a cut and dry issue, but it just seems like the hate in the world is getting worse. Look at the examples the adults give to the younger generations. You need only turn on the news to hear about violence inflicted on others for merely being different, or see the names Matthew Shephard (victim), Jason Gage (victim), Steven Hoskins (victim), Linda Weston (perpetrator)..and so many more, to see where today's youth are learning to bully. They are learning it from adults.
So many are quick to blame movies, television and video games, instead of taking responsibility for allowing this to happen, like the latest special exception to Matt's Safe School Law...a stark example of how even some of our lawmakers, ADULTS, can't recognize that intolerance and bias is the ROOT of bullying. Bullying is not something generally done for no reason.
Thankfully from what we can gather from news reports of the last twenty-four hours (1), the version of Matt's Safe School Law that will ultimately pass will be the one that doesn't include the "special exception in the law for bullies who have “a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction (2).” <- HATE CRIME, which is "a criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias (judgement) against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin." [source: National Institute of Justice]
They were going to write aproval of a HATE CRIME in a bill of law. What.The.Fuck.
This bring to light a quandary of issues that it's hard for us to wrap our head adults can honestly put words into a bill making it okay to bully if it's motivated by RELIGIOUS or MORAL reasons. Sure, the bible is full of examples hate crimes...but we should be better than that. Shouldn't we?
That line, had it been included, would have created a loophole the size of which an entire country can squeeze through...don't you think? Of course you can catch our drift.
Matt's Safe School Law? You ask. Don't know what we're talking about?
Here's some news clips.
Say what you will about shows like The Daily Show with John Stewart, and The Colbert Report...sometimes in life it take a humous angle to a serious topic to bring to light the obvious seriousness of the issue, and it's getting to the point that the pain of reality is so...painful...that if we don't find a way to laugh at it, we might as well give up now. There can be seriousness within humour.
The Colbert Report
Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive
Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive
We want to applaud people who aren't afraid to stand up against bigotry and hate, to stand up for what they believe in when it is in the best interest of all humans, not just the interest of Special Interest, for without these people we would have no change.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Sister Missionaries
Last night as I had just finished my dinner, there was a knock on my door. And of course I thought who could that be? The knock was too soft to be my neighbor. I opened the door and to my surprise and delight, it was 2 Sister Missionaries! They are new in my area and apparently the church has switched out the Elders for the Sisters. I'm so glad! So the Sister's are coming over again Saturday night to give me a "practice lesson". It practice for them and good for me to have them again. I'm looking forward to it. :)
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
So it seems there are a couple of cowards out there that get their jolly's by following my blog and making their snide comments. Are you so cowardly that you have to masquerade as "Anonymous"?
Noun: |
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Adjective: |
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Synonyms: |
noun. dastard - recreant - funk - poltroon - craven
adjective. craven - cowardly - recreant - chicken-hearted - timid
a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.
Friday, February 3, 2012
The Fight in the Bathroom
So this happened to me when I was 17.
It was the first Sunday morning in April and I was in the bathroom curling my hair with the curling iron. I had the TV on in the other room with the volume up so I could listen to the Satallite transmission of General Conference while I was fixing my hair.
I was half way through curling my hair when my mom burst into the bathroom and started yelling at me. (To be honest, I cannot remember if she was in a bad mood or if I had done something.) In those days we absolutely did not get along and we had many arguments, but this was was violent.
So anyway she was yelling at me and started smacking me in the head. As one hand was holding onto the HOT curling iron in my hair, I tried blocking my head and face with the other hand while trying to fight her off. At some point during this confrontation she knocked me down on the floor and she was still coming at me. There was only one way to defend myself at this point so I took it....I started kicking my mom in the stomach. I don't remember how the physical altercation ended but I do remember that as soon as it was over, I was up off the floor and ran to my room and grabbed a few things and walked out. I was gone for a week before I came back home. I stayed with friends that knew what was going on at home and I even slept in the car a couple nights.
It was the first Sunday morning in April and I was in the bathroom curling my hair with the curling iron. I had the TV on in the other room with the volume up so I could listen to the Satallite transmission of General Conference while I was fixing my hair.
I was half way through curling my hair when my mom burst into the bathroom and started yelling at me. (To be honest, I cannot remember if she was in a bad mood or if I had done something.) In those days we absolutely did not get along and we had many arguments, but this was was violent.
So anyway she was yelling at me and started smacking me in the head. As one hand was holding onto the HOT curling iron in my hair, I tried blocking my head and face with the other hand while trying to fight her off. At some point during this confrontation she knocked me down on the floor and she was still coming at me. There was only one way to defend myself at this point so I took it....I started kicking my mom in the stomach. I don't remember how the physical altercation ended but I do remember that as soon as it was over, I was up off the floor and ran to my room and grabbed a few things and walked out. I was gone for a week before I came back home. I stayed with friends that knew what was going on at home and I even slept in the car a couple nights.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
The Missing Fish
I was either 8 or 9 when this happened to me. I remember it as if it were yesterday....
Saturday morning, my mother and I were up doing our various chores. For the most part, my chore was to clean my room. However, on this day we also needed to clean out the fish tank. Being a kid, my mom let me pick all of the fish we had with the exception of 2 fish. My mom had seen these fish called "Hatchett Fish". They were funny looking. They sort of look like a cartoon whale drawn upside down and they are silver. I didn't think they were pretty at all and did not understand why my mom liked them so much. 1 Hatchett fish died so we were left with one.
Cleaning out the tank, we caught all the fish and put in a bowl and went about emptying the water and cleaning the rocks and the nic nac tank decorations. After refilling the tank and letting the water adjust to room temp, it was time to put the fish back in the tank. We put the fish back in and my mom and I sat in front of the tank to watch the fish in all the clean. At some point my mom realized the Hatchett fish was missing. She was frantic! We looked all over the place him/her. My mom knew I did not like the Hatchett fish and accused me of killing it!!! How sick is that!?? Even at the young age I was, I was speechless, I could not believe that she would think I was capable of doing something so evil, let alone accuse me of it! It's something that I've never forgotten and is still painfull to this day. It was later that we found out that these Hatchett fish are famous for jumping out of the water. When we put the fish in the bowl, we did not cover the top and we think he/she just jumped out. We never found him/her. My mom did apologize to me for accusing me of killing her fish but the pain of that day is still with me. It was and is completely unforgivable.
Saturday morning, my mother and I were up doing our various chores. For the most part, my chore was to clean my room. However, on this day we also needed to clean out the fish tank. Being a kid, my mom let me pick all of the fish we had with the exception of 2 fish. My mom had seen these fish called "Hatchett Fish". They were funny looking. They sort of look like a cartoon whale drawn upside down and they are silver. I didn't think they were pretty at all and did not understand why my mom liked them so much. 1 Hatchett fish died so we were left with one.
Cleaning out the tank, we caught all the fish and put in a bowl and went about emptying the water and cleaning the rocks and the nic nac tank decorations. After refilling the tank and letting the water adjust to room temp, it was time to put the fish back in the tank. We put the fish back in and my mom and I sat in front of the tank to watch the fish in all the clean. At some point my mom realized the Hatchett fish was missing. She was frantic! We looked all over the place him/her. My mom knew I did not like the Hatchett fish and accused me of killing it!!! How sick is that!?? Even at the young age I was, I was speechless, I could not believe that she would think I was capable of doing something so evil, let alone accuse me of it! It's something that I've never forgotten and is still painfull to this day. It was later that we found out that these Hatchett fish are famous for jumping out of the water. When we put the fish in the bowl, we did not cover the top and we think he/she just jumped out. We never found him/her. My mom did apologize to me for accusing me of killing her fish but the pain of that day is still with me. It was and is completely unforgivable.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Flooded with Various Memories
The last couple of weeks have been odd for me. I seem to be flooded with memories from the past. Painful memories that I feel I need to get out of me ASAP. It's kind of scary~that urgent feeling. I feel like I need to write the topics down so I don't forget what I need to tell. In no particular order, "The Missing Fish", "Hurry Up with Therapy", "My daughter's physical and sexual abuse", "My 1st Pregnancy", "My 2nd Pregnancy". All I can think of right now.
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