So this happened to me when I was 17.
It was the first Sunday morning in April and I was in the bathroom curling my hair with the curling iron. I had the TV on in the other room with the volume up so I could listen to the Satallite transmission of General Conference while I was fixing my hair.
I was half way through curling my hair when my mom burst into the bathroom and started yelling at me. (To be honest, I cannot remember if she was in a bad mood or if I had done something.) In those days we absolutely did not get along and we had many arguments, but this was was violent.
So anyway she was yelling at me and started smacking me in the head. As one hand was holding onto the HOT curling iron in my hair, I tried blocking my head and face with the other hand while trying to fight her off. At some point during this confrontation she knocked me down on the floor and she was still coming at me. There was only one way to defend myself at this point so I took it....I started kicking my mom in the stomach. I don't remember how the physical altercation ended but I do remember that as soon as it was over, I was up off the floor and ran to my room and grabbed a few things and walked out. I was gone for a week before I came back home. I stayed with friends that knew what was going on at home and I even slept in the car a couple nights.