
Monday, October 1, 2012

I'm taking the Power back!

February 2011, I gave up 9 years of sobriety. An issue with a family member upset me so much that I returned to some of my old self destructive behavior. 1st cutting and then I picked up drinking again.

So after after totally hitting rock bottom, I quit drinking again as of September 20th. This is my 3rd attempt. I'll say I had an epiphany this morning and I know I'll be able to do it this time.

This morning, I finally came to the realization that by continuing to drink, I was giving the very family member that drove me to such destruction the power to control me.  I'm taking the Power back!!  Even tho I know that family member will never read this, plenty of others will and I want you to know that I'm back to being ME again. The woman before all problems!

Watch out world...I'm back!


Today's Tarot Reading:

The Four of Pentacles card suggests that my power today lies in possession. I choose not to be bound, identified, or paralyzed by ownership, possessions or means in order that I may always have a free hand and room to grow. I am practical, responsible, and determined about protecting my purpose or advocating for my resources. I am empowered by the status quo and my asset is value.